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Neue Franzoïsisch [AH/EC/Silvia/...]

#1 von TherealstarX26 , 09.02.2011 09:18


Sorry, Englisch zu sprechen, aber mein Deutsch ist sehr schlecht

My name is Jérémy, i live in the south of France. I own a Honda AH53GT (EA-T EW3), and a 4G Civic EC9 since 2010, and Nissan 200SX S14 facelift S14a since 2007, witch i tuned (i try :) ).

I purchased it full stock.

First mods in 2008 :

And with the S14a Facelift :

And with my parts at the Nismo Days 2010 event :

Multi paint :lol:, bumpers were not paint, because i manufacture them few days before.

I am going to made a full frp facelift. With larges front wings, modified front bumpers for FMIC, and a FRP or Carbone bonnets, to lose weight, and to have better airflux to my FMIC ;)

For the AH53 GT (EA-T EW3), i will restore it. I will lose weight with a FRP ou carbone bonnet like the Silvia, and front wings to avoid rust and new front and rear frp bumper. I already have my rear wing :)

The 4G Civic :)

I already start to made a a rear wing, and a front lip (not on the pics)

Thanks to my parents, i am very passionned about car, and about race world since i was a little boy, meetings, circuits, events.. It's why, like them, i work in the automotiv world ;) They own and manucture GOTTI wheels.

Like i didnt find parts for my car or for japanese car's, or other kind of car's, i decided to creat them in FRP and carbone :)

For the moment, i got Civic EG, EC/ED/EE and Nissan 200SX RS13, S14 et S14a, and step by step i got new parts for other cars.

As i said before, i am passionned about automotiv world and race. I rebult GRAC prototype and monoplace (. It's a brand created in the 60's in Valence (South of France) where i live, and bought by GOTTI in the 70's. I dreamed about that when i was young, and now, i rebult them ;)

It's this kind of car :


I am also administrator about VHC PASSION forum's and at the head of this association, http://www.vhc-passion.com . It's a french forum about old car's who runs in competition from 1950 to 1990 like Alpine A110, Datsun 240Z, Opel Kadett GTE and more.

I am as passionned as new cars like olds cars. :)



RE: Neue Franzoïsisch [AH/EC/Silvia/...]

#2 von Sznuffi , 09.02.2011 09:22

Welcome Jérémy

Beiträge: 3.598
Punkte: 261.836
Registriert am: 19.10.2008
Ich fahre:
Da wohne ich: Nähe Stgt
Vorname: Michael

RE: Neue Franzoïsisch [AH/EC/Silvia/...]

#3 von HoWoPa , 09.02.2011 09:58

Welcome Jeremy to our forum, Your Cars are awsome!

* Aus Gründen der besseren Lesbarkeit wird auf die gleichzeitige Verwendung weiblicher und männlicher Sprachformen verzichtet und das generische Maskulinum verwendet. Sämtliche Personenbezeichnungen gelten gleichermaßen für alle Geschlechter.

Beiträge: 15.267
Punkte: 3.825.418
Registriert am: 07.05.2007
Ich fahre: Hondas
Da wohne ich: Paderborn
Vorname: Guido

RE: Neue Franzoïsisch [AH/EC/Silvia/...]

#4 von TherealstarX26 , 09.02.2011 11:38

Thanks ;)


RE: Neue Franzoïsisch [AH/EC/Silvia/...]

#5 von Hondafreak1981 , 09.02.2011 11:46

Hello and welcome to our Forum.

Your red Car is the nicest


RE: Neue Franzoïsisch [AH/EC/Silvia/...]

#6 von mamadiwa , 09.02.2011 13:04

Have a lot of fun here!

"Für alles über 8 Minuten zieh ich mir keinen Helm auf" W. Röhrl

Beiträge: 8.210
Punkte: 602.712
Registriert am: 14.02.2008
Ich fahre: Civic Type R FN2, DOHC 16V...von Suzuki :)
Da wohne ich: Herne! 186Km vom Ring
Vorname: Christian

RE: Neue Franzoïsisch [AH/EC/Silvia/...]

#7 von Black Diamond , 09.02.2011 16:33

Bienvenue et amusez-vous avec nous.

Black Diamond

RE: Neue Franzoïsisch [AH/EC/Silvia/...]

#8 von TherealstarX26 , 10.02.2011 12:00

ich danke Ihnen sehr für Ihre Heimat ;)


RE: Neue Franzoïsisch [AH/EC/Silvia/...]

#9 von Black Diamond , 10.02.2011 16:10

Real? That was a Translation with Google. Ähm...Welcome. That´s what I wanted to say.

Black Diamond
zuletzt bearbeitet 10.02.2011 16:11 | Top

RE: Neue Franzoïsisch [AH/EC/Silvia/...]

#10 von TherealstarX26 , 10.02.2011 16:55

Google could help, but i remember some words to speak in German when i was student at the University Only easy sentences .

zuletzt bearbeitet 10.02.2011 16:56 | Top

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