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Motul Mugen Civic Si Race Car. Answers here!

#1 von Motulcivic , 08.11.2007 19:36



ladies and gentlemen..

w've got them!!

presenting :

Mugen MR5!

zuletzt bearbeitet 09.11.2007 08:44 | Top

RE: Project Motul Mugen Civic Si Race Car. Pics Topic.

#2 von Motulcivic , 08.11.2007 21:28

zuletzt bearbeitet 13.11.2007 20:12 | Top

RE: Project Motul Mugen Civic Si Race Car. Pics Topic.

#3 von kaefergarage.de , 08.11.2007 22:32

Hi and welcome !

The paint job and work on your 'little racer' is pretty cool ! It looks awsome and the idea is really great ! But the pictures are so big, that it took a time, to load them all and it's hard to scroll down. Nevertheless: I like a lot of pictures :) :)

I also like you older Civic. It' so cute :)

Where did you take the picture ? Which beach is that ?

So, I can wish you a pleasant stay in this Forum and I'm looking forward, to see some other projects too ;)

Bitte nur email anstatt PN

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Registriert am: 08.03.2007
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RE: Project Motul Mugen Civic Si Race Car. Pics Topic.

#4 von peppi , 08.11.2007 23:32


Great Project I hope that I can see your Motul Mugen Civic in real!!! I love it!


Beiträge: 5.272
Punkte: 298.789
Registriert am: 10.03.2007
Ich fahre: Civic 3.Gen. Hatchback
Da wohne ich: Niederrhein
Vorname: Thomas

RE: Motul Mugen Civic Si Race Car. Answers here!

#5 von Motulcivic , 10.11.2007 18:00


RE: Motul Mugen Civic Si Race Car. Answers here!

#6 von Banzai , 10.11.2007 18:10

Welcome from me to you.
Gratulations to your very nice Race-Car.


Honda seit 1979..was anderes gibts da für mich nicht mehr.

Grüsse an die NSA und alle andern Geheimdienstschlapphüte..viel Spass beim schnüffeln.

Beiträge: 4.018
Punkte: 182.664
Registriert am: 24.08.2007
Ich fahre: Honda
Da wohne ich: Bremen
Vorname: Michael

RE: Motul Mugen Civic Si Race Car. Answers here!

#7 von Goelette , 22.01.2008 00:06

Is this the dutch Motul-replica? zo ja dan heb ik je in 2007 in Asten zien staan :)

Cool :)

Honda: 2xAS, AF-Anhänger, DA4, AB, CA5, ED9, ED6 Cabrio, AF Cabrio
Renault: 2x Goelette
Ford: Galaxy TDI

Beiträge: 313
Punkte: 94.895
Registriert am: 21.01.2008
Ich fahre: CRX AS, CRX AF Cabrio (Straman), CRX ED9 (h22a), Civic ED6 Cabrio (K&M)
Da wohne ich: Geleen, Niederlande
Vorname: Tom

RE: Motul Mugen Civic Si Race Car. Answers here!

#8 von Hondafreak1981 , 22.01.2008 08:04

Jaa ist ein Dutch Civic!


RE: Motul Mugen Civic Si Race Car. Answers here!

#9 von Motulcivic , 26.03.2008 19:26

Spoon spiegels

the original...


RE: Motul Mugen Civic Si Race Car. Answers here!

#10 von Hondafreak1981 , 26.03.2008 19:33

WOW ich kann es nicht erwarten ihn LIVE im Mai zu sehen


RE: Motul Mugen Civic Si Race Car. Answers here!

#11 von TheHondaTuner , 27.05.2009 17:55

I hope you come to the HCC 2010, i want to see it =) ,you dont have Rev meter? Anyways.. great car, i had one in Gran Turismo 4

Meine Honda Aufbau Threads!: u116719_TheHondaTuner.html
ED9->ED9->ED9->EE8->EG8 DX->EK3->BB1->CG9->DC2->Astra F->EK3->BB1->EH6->CD7

Beiträge: 1.067
Punkte: 163.693
Registriert am: 13.02.2009
Ich fahre: EE8, DC2
Da wohne ich: DE
Vorname: Nico

RE: Motul Mugen Civic Si Race Car. Answers here!

#12 von Motulcivic , 27.05.2009 18:26


you have to search for my other "update" topic.

got a zc1 inside


RE: Motul Mugen Civic Si Race Car. Answers here!

#13 von Kröte , 27.05.2009 23:22

It's just a boring evening... So here I've something for you I hope you like it.

Angefügte Bilder:
DSC_4073 Kopie 02.jpg  

Beiträge: 4.792
Punkte: 716.327
Registriert am: 10.06.2008
Ich fahre: '87 Honda Civic "Browntop-Hatch"; '87 Honda Prelude 2.0Si; '86 Honda Civic Shuttle; '03 Volvo V40 2.0T
Da wohne ich: DA Eberstadt
Vorname: Birk

RE: Motul Mugen Civic Si Race Car. Answers here!

#14 von subito , 01.07.2009 10:13

This car is dope! love it big time.
Drop me a P/N when you go to the Nordschleife next time.
Wanna see that in real


Beiträge: 150
Punkte: 3.960
Registriert am: 30.06.2009
Ich fahre: U.a. Accord SJ
Da wohne ich: 73119 Zell u.A.
Vorname: Alex

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