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RE: new here from holland

#16 von HoWoPa , 08.11.2008 21:02

Don`t know if this word existis in Yoour Language we cal Your Car just `GEIL

* Aus Gründen der besseren Lesbarkeit wird auf die gleichzeitige Verwendung weiblicher und männlicher Sprachformen verzichtet und das generische Maskulinum verwendet. Sämtliche Personenbezeichnungen gelten gleichermaßen für alle Geschlechter.

Beiträge: 15.267
Punkte: 3.825.418
Registriert am: 07.05.2007
Ich fahre: Hondas
Da wohne ich: Paderborn
Vorname: Guido

RE: new here from holland

#17 von Ronny , 08.11.2008 21:23

Easy to say:

Wer die Zukunft ändern will muss seine Vergangenheit kennen.

Beiträge: 2.578
Punkte: 163.011
Registriert am: 26.05.2008
Ich fahre: BA4,B20A9, Civic Type R FK 8
Da wohne ich: Duisburg
Vorname: Ronny

RE: new here from holland

#18 von Gast1 , 09.11.2008 01:39

yeehaa! nice EE8!


RE: new here from holland

#19 von crx90 , 15.06.2009 13:43

and we have another update but first i want to say dat i was not happy that i missed the treffen a few weeks ago :( butt i had some trouble with my breaks so i missed it.

the car haves some new wheels now 16 inch in place of 17 inch and it drives much better

here are some pictures

first in wintermodus

and now in summermodus


RE: new here from holland

#20 von Hondafreak1981 , 15.06.2009 22:20

SuperSuper Cleeeaaannnn


RE: new here from holland

#21 von Black Diamond , 16.06.2009 14:58

Yes, that´s a very hot colour. Even if the sun´s not shining, the car look´s like it would shine...

Black Diamond

RE: new here from holland

#22 von Stefan Krüger , 17.06.2009 21:17

Very nice, the new Wheels look great.

Stefan Krüger
Beiträge: 339
Punkte: 2.729
Registriert am: 10.06.2007
Ich fahre: 89er CRX ED9
Da wohne ich: Duisburg
Vorname: Stefan

RE: new here from holland

#23 von Joske , 23.06.2009 21:22



RE: new here from holland

#24 von crx90 , 02.08.2009 15:12

thanx everybody
after the summer holyday i am going to look for a coilover set to get the car lower to the ground and last week the km: was 250000 kilometer


RE: new here from holland

#25 von crx90 , 29.08.2009 22:16

a few weeks ago i bought a itr brake setup

when i got the brakes

after a good cleaning and a little bit of paint

mounted the brakes

with the old brakes

with the itr brakes

i have driven over 150 km with it and it brakes very good


RE: new here from holland

#26 von Black Diamond , 29.08.2009 23:14

Interesting. Nice Pictures. How expensive were the Brakes?

Black Diamond

RE: new here from holland

#27 von crx90 , 31.08.2009 19:39

i paid 300 euro's but in the uk you can find them cheaper


RE: new here from holland

#28 von Black Diamond , 01.09.2009 17:25

Ah...ok. Is it expensive? Or is the Price good for the Quality?

Black Diamond

RE: new here from holland

#29 von Kanjo , 01.09.2009 22:09

Hello from Austria !!
Very nice Car.Good luck for the next job s !!!
mfg harry
that s ma page


RE: new here from holland

#30 von crx90 , 12.09.2009 11:59

in my opinion it is worth it


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