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Hallo aus Ukraine

#1 von besz , 06.05.2009 20:46

Sorry, but I cant write German well

So,Im from west part of Ukraine and drive 1.3 3.gen Civic =)
What i like to do??first maybe change engene to more poweffull 1.5 or b16a2 =)
and some body restyle.



RE: Hallo aus Ukraine

#2 von Black Diamond , 06.05.2009 21:27

Ласкаво просимо Сергій. Удачи в нашому форумі. Давайте подивимося на деякі фотографії ваших Громадянська.

Крім того, не так погано, ви не можете Німеччини. Каким-то ми вже зрозуміли. Англійська виходить.

Ich hab nur Herzlich Willkommen geschrieben...

Black Diamond
zuletzt bearbeitet 06.05.2009 21:28 | Top

RE: Hallo aus Ukraine

#3 von peppi , 06.05.2009 21:35


... would be nice to see some pictures from your Civic


Beiträge: 5.272
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Registriert am: 10.03.2007
Ich fahre: Civic 3.Gen. Hatchback
Da wohne ich: Niederrhein
Vorname: Thomas

RE: Hallo aus Ukraine

#4 von Ronny , 06.05.2009 21:37

Welcome Sergey

Wer die Zukunft ändern will muss seine Vergangenheit kennen.

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Ich fahre: BA4,B20A9, Civic Type R FK 8
Da wohne ich: Duisburg
Vorname: Ronny

zuletzt bearbeitet 06.05.2009 | Top

RE: Hallo aus Ukraine

#5 von Banzai , 08.05.2009 11:49

Hallo Sergey.....Welcome from Bremen in the best Honda Forum at the World........
I wish,you have many fun at our house and our cars.
Many greets to Ukrain.


Honda seit 1979..was anderes gibts da für mich nicht mehr.

Grüsse an die NSA und alle andern Geheimdienstschlapphüte..viel Spass beim schnüffeln.

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Ich fahre: Honda
Da wohne ich: Bremen
Vorname: Michael

RE: Hallo aus Ukraine

#6 von Sznuffi , 08.05.2009 12:37

Welcome Sergey

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Da wohne ich: Nähe Stgt
Vorname: Michael

RE: Hallo aus Ukraine

#7 von mamadiwa , 08.05.2009 14:49

wish you a lot of fun here!

"Für alles über 8 Minuten zieh ich mir keinen Helm auf" W. Röhrl

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Ich fahre: Civic Type R FN2, DOHC 16V...von Suzuki :)
Da wohne ich: Herne! 186Km vom Ring
Vorname: Christian

RE: Hallo aus Ukraine

#8 von besz , 08.05.2009 16:07

Thanks people
the forum is really great, but German is really hard to understand, nevertheless here is photos of my civic

zuletzt bearbeitet 08.05.2009 16:10 | Top

RE: Hallo aus Ukraine

#9 von Black Diamond , 08.05.2009 17:46

Very nice Colour! Looks great! A rare car. Please don´t change to much. I think, it look´s very well without any changes. BUT, please clean up the engine! Is that mud??? From wich part of the Ukrain are you from? Please answer with pic´s, if possible. I have to admit, that i don´t know anything about the Ukrain. Ah...beside Andre Shevchenko.

Black Diamond

RE: Hallo aus Ukraine

#10 von besz , 08.05.2009 18:15

yeah thats dirt =(
but its easy to clean up
Im from west part of Ukraine, from town called Uzhgorod, it is near a Slovakia border
here ia a few pictures
so here im living in =)

oh about a car colour- the car needs to be rapainted because the paint is very old and puctures were made just after washing.


RE: Hallo aus Ukraine

#11 von kaefergarage.de , 09.05.2009 12:26

Welcome on Board ;)

German is already hard for some Germans too ;) So don't be shy to write in English. Your Civic looks like it's in a good condition!

I enjoyed the pictures of your hometown too. Very nice pictures. A lot of green and a beautiful landscape

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RE: Hallo aus Ukraine

#12 von besz , 09.05.2009 15:21

Im looking for information about engine in my civic its 1.3 liter EV-2
and information about what engine can I put into my car instead of my EV-2

Im asking here,because cant understend German


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