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hi from Slovenia

#1 von koshir , 22.04.2010 16:30

I'm new here,
I'm from Slovenia (not Slovakia!) that's why I write in english, I don't speak german yet (it's on to do list )
I found this site/forum searching for some info. on oldtimers and youngtimers.

I do own one yougtimer CRX 1.5i 1986 that I renovated and now I'm looking for S800 ( [SUCHE] Honda S800 coupe or cabrio (for renovation) )
you can check all my projects on my website hondaaddict.com

that'll be all for now

zuletzt bearbeitet 22.04.2010 16:30 | Top

RE: hi from Slovenia

#2 von Ace Cooper , 22.04.2010 16:31

Hi koshir,

nice to meet you..

Viele liebe Grüße

Ace Cooper
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Ich fahre: Honda CRX AF BJ. '84...
Da wohne ich: in Dresden
Vorname: Steve

RE: hi from Slovenia

#3 von peppi , 22.04.2010 16:40

Herzlich Willkommen

Nice Site!


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Vorname: Thomas

RE: hi from Slovenia

#4 von SaschaOF , 22.04.2010 17:08

Hi Koshir,

You created a nice CRX I must say - and this BBS alloy wheels fit very well on this model - looks great

I hope You will find the right S800 to renovate, and we all here would be very interested to know about Your work with it. If the journey ist not to far for You, maybe our Honda Car Classic meeting in Landshut (south end of Germany) would be interesting for You. More Info (but sorry - its german site) about this meeting and pictures 2009 You will find here: http://www.honda-car-classics.de .... http://www.honda-car-classics.de/HCC2009_Galerie/

greetings from an AS-driver

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Vorname: Sascha

RE: hi from Slovenia

#5 von mamadiwa , 22.04.2010 17:32

It is an awesome looking CRX!
Classical colour and it looks beautiful.

Nice to have you here

"Für alles über 8 Minuten zieh ich mir keinen Helm auf" W. Röhrl

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Da wohne ich: Herne! 186Km vom Ring
Vorname: Christian

zuletzt bearbeitet 22.04.2010 | Top

RE: hi from Slovenia

#6 von HoWoPa , 22.04.2010 17:40

Hi Koshir, welcome to the perhaps best HONDA Youngtimerforum.
What a beautyfull CRX, realy stunning color

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RE: hi from Slovenia

#7 von Sznuffi , 22.04.2010 18:03

Welcome Koshir

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RE: hi from Slovenia

#8 von Black Diamond , 22.04.2010 18:33

Hi Koshir from Slovenia. You´re the right one for our Forum. The CRX is very lovely...what a great car with nice rims. Good luck in your S800-Search.

Black Diamond

RE: hi from Slovenia

#9 von Ronny , 22.04.2010 20:11

Welcome Koshir
Nice Car

Wer die Zukunft ändern will muss seine Vergangenheit kennen.

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Vorname: Ronny

RE: hi from Slovenia

#10 von koshir , 22.04.2010 21:42

Thanks for nice welcome,
I did that CRX mk1 in my spare time, my main project is CRX mk2 that will be made for track and hill climb events...but that one takes so much money that meanwhile I wait to get new paycheck to buy new parts for it I work on this little project beside main one site to main project: http://www.hondaaddict.com/civic/crxProject.html and it looks like this right now:

we'll see about car classic meeting, maybe

zuletzt bearbeitet 22.04.2010 21:43 | Top

RE: hi from Slovenia

#11 von Rom. , 22.04.2010 22:18

Lep pozdrav iz Pilsen Koshir imate čudovito CRX

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Ich fahre: Z600, N600, Prelude SN Tropic + AB + BA4 + BB3, Civic SB2 + SL + AG, Ridgeline, CRX AS,TN Acty Van, Legend KA3 + KA8, CN250, Pilot
Da wohne ich: Stahlavice der Nähe von Pilsen
Vorname: Roman

RE: hi from Slovenia

#12 von koshir , 22.04.2010 22:31



RE: hi from Slovenia

#13 von Kitekat , 23.04.2010 00:16

Welcome to this site Koshir,

the color of the CRX is really beautiful. I like that so much. How much time did you spent to renovate it?

You did a very good job I have to say. I hope all of us can see this car at Honda Car Classics in may.

@ Flitzermama..... da kannst ihm die Heckblende klauen

Aller guten Dinge sind 3... C - R - X

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Ich fahre: CRX AF Bj. 85, rot, ca 125.000km auf der Uhr
Da wohne ich: Hannover
Vorname: Kathy

RE: hi from Slovenia

#14 von Düsi1 , 23.04.2010 06:40

Hello, have much fun here!

Greets Heike


RE: hi from Slovenia

#15 von koshir , 24.04.2010 10:52

"How much time did you spent to renovate it?"
I was working on it since 2007 and still em doing some work but now is more tuning then restoring

I made topic about this blue CRX
My "daily driver" CRX 1.5i

I hope that I'll have one about S800 soon
(so every help about finding one would be very helpfull and welcome)


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