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Project CRX Del Sol VTI

#1 von Joske , 24.07.2009 18:43

our del sol at this moment

It has lot's of rust. But there going to fix the whole car.
This year we can't going on vacation


RE: Project CRX Del Sol VTI

#2 von mamadiwa , 24.07.2009 18:46

Looks like a lightweight Projekt

"Für alles über 8 Minuten zieh ich mir keinen Helm auf" W. Röhrl

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Da wohne ich: Herne! 186Km vom Ring
Vorname: Christian

RE: Project CRX Del Sol VTI

#3 von acurasports , 24.07.2009 19:22

puhhh... lots of work...

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RE: Project CRX Del Sol VTI

#4 von HoWoPa , 24.07.2009 22:22

Who the hell need vacation? I´ve vacation 360 ´days a year, cause i`m driving a car with a H on the bonnet.
Looks like a good work, recongise you take care of your car.
That´s what i want...

* Aus Gründen der besseren Lesbarkeit wird auf die gleichzeitige Verwendung weiblicher und männlicher Sprachformen verzichtet und das generische Maskulinum verwendet. Sämtliche Personenbezeichnungen gelten gleichermaßen für alle Geschlechter.

Beiträge: 15.267
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Registriert am: 07.05.2007
Ich fahre: Hondas
Da wohne ich: Paderborn
Vorname: Guido

RE: Project CRX Del Sol VTI

#5 von Joske , 28.07.2009 21:15

Hahahahaha yes that's true everytime when I drive Honda it's a big Holliday
for the compliments

Today I took more picture's..........Enjoy

Some parts are painted in the groundlayer

Only this is a problem

But we are going to fix, still lot's of work.


RE: Project CRX Del Sol VTI

#6 von HoWoPa , 28.07.2009 22:26

That looks like a real good work, think you have lot of pleasure with Your DelSol until rust comes back.
But i`m wondering how much rust there is on such a "new" car. Our 41 jear old S 800 seems to be in better shape.
It still has got his first rear wheel arches!

* Aus Gründen der besseren Lesbarkeit wird auf die gleichzeitige Verwendung weiblicher und männlicher Sprachformen verzichtet und das generische Maskulinum verwendet. Sämtliche Personenbezeichnungen gelten gleichermaßen für alle Geschlechter.

Beiträge: 15.267
Punkte: 3.825.418
Registriert am: 07.05.2007
Ich fahre: Hondas
Da wohne ich: Paderborn
Vorname: Guido

RE: Project CRX Del Sol VTI

#7 von Joske , 15.08.2009 15:08

At this moment the sol is in a rustfree shape
It is finished
Here some picture's of the workprogress.

tuesday 4-8-2009

sammstag 8-8-2009

tuesday 11-8-2009


RE: Project CRX Del Sol VTI

#8 von Joske , 15.08.2009 15:22

Today we drove our sol home. the exterieur is finished. It is clean again and I hope it stay's this way for a long time I am very very very happy When I saw it I couldn't believe it.
I tried to take good picture's of the color, because the standard color is black with some golden pikkels.
When you take a good look you wil see them.

I tried here, but the car is like a mirror.


Some picture's I have made with the EE8

Jamez took this one's

Me and Jamez

Now I have to do the interieur from the car, new carpet and seets.


RE: Project CRX Del Sol VTI

#9 von Black Diamond , 15.08.2009 19:18

Very good Pictures and a very beautiful car! Great work. Have a lot of Fun with your new Baby and take care of it. By the Way, i love the blue CRX. What a car...

Greetings from Moni und Denny.

Black Diamond

RE: Project CRX Del Sol VTI

#10 von Hondafreak1981 , 15.08.2009 21:40

Only one Wort WOW


RE: Project CRX Del Sol VTI

#11 von Joske , 16.08.2009 00:53

Thank you. It was hard work but finally it is almost like a new car
I am so so so very happy.
Now I don't have to ask a friend to sit at front of the rust so that nobody could see it
I never seen our sol in such a good shape, it's unbelievable.


RE: Project CRX Del Sol VTI

#12 von Joske , 18.08.2009 22:45

Here a picture of the color in the sun and in the shadow. I love it


RE: Project CRX Del Sol VTI

#13 von HoWoPa , 18.08.2009 22:49

Looking great, fantastc job!

* Aus Gründen der besseren Lesbarkeit wird auf die gleichzeitige Verwendung weiblicher und männlicher Sprachformen verzichtet und das generische Maskulinum verwendet. Sämtliche Personenbezeichnungen gelten gleichermaßen für alle Geschlechter.

Beiträge: 15.267
Punkte: 3.825.418
Registriert am: 07.05.2007
Ich fahre: Hondas
Da wohne ich: Paderborn
Vorname: Guido

RE: Project CRX Del Sol VTI

#14 von Joske , 18.08.2009 22:53


RE: Project CRX Del Sol VTI

#15 von Ace Cooper , 19.08.2009 12:08

so mutch rust on such a new car.
you did a great job. looks like a new car.

Viele liebe Grüße

Ace Cooper
Beiträge: 3.308
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Registriert am: 21.10.2008
Ich fahre: Honda CRX AF BJ. '84...
Da wohne ich: in Dresden
Vorname: Steve

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Bremse heiss beim Sol?!?!?! -Hilfe!!-
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