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Es ist Fruhling!

#1 von Cassy , 15.03.2009 20:40

Der Fruehling ist doch schon da!!
Just look at these photographs - Spring has arrived

Is it the same where you are? (Bei Euch auch??)

Hab 2 Tage lang im Garten gepuddelt - nun bin ich voellig fertig und hab mir doch ein oder zwei Glaeschen verdient ?
Prost, cheers, auf Eure Gesundheit

Ich freu mich schon aufs Buero morgen - da kann ich Ausrasten und mich Erholen

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RE: Es ist Fruhling!

#2 von HoWoPa , 15.03.2009 20:51

Not yet, Cassey. Here it`s raining cats and Mops, sorry Dogs.
You have a wonderfull garden.

* Aus Gründen der besseren Lesbarkeit wird auf die gleichzeitige Verwendung weiblicher und männlicher Sprachformen verzichtet und das generische Maskulinum verwendet. Sämtliche Personenbezeichnungen gelten gleichermaßen für alle Geschlechter.

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RE: Es ist Fruhling!

#3 von Cassy , 15.03.2009 20:57

Cats and dogs?
My cat was helping me today, by digging and . . . .tting in my newly dug soil
Es war heute wunderbar - ein sehr schoener 'Englischer' Fruelingstag - aber der neachste Regen kommt sicher


RE: Es ist Fruhling!

#4 von Black Diamond , 15.03.2009 23:34

Cheers!!! What a wonderful garden... I´m going to have exactly this one in the future. *i´mdreaming* This reminds me of a beautiful spring in london a few years ago. Otherwise you should england roof. Whenever I am there, it rains heavily. That the plants grow without rain jacket, is a mystery to me. You must really have a green thumb.


PS: Do you have more photo´s, especially from the digging cat???

Black Diamond
zuletzt bearbeitet 15.03.2009 23:38 | Top

RE: Es ist Fruhling!

#5 von Oli & Eddy , 16.03.2009 01:01

Zitat von Cassy

Ich freu mich schon aufs Buero morgen - da kann ich Ausrasten und mich Erholen

You suddenly mean "ausruhen" from the garden-stress?
Auf die Gesundheit stoße ich gern mit an!

Oli & Eddy

RE: Es ist Fruhling!

#6 von choacit , 16.03.2009 12:14

Guten Morgen!

Damit ihr auch mal seht, dass hier auch der Frühling
einzug gehalten hat. Zumindest in unseren 4 Wänden. =)

Ach ja, die Pflanzen brauchen sehr viel Pflege und sind
auch sonst nicht gerade günstig (Werkzeuge, spezieller
Dünger, usw.). Aber sie sind trotzdem oder gerade des-
wegen immer schön anzusehen. =)


PS: very nice garden, is it that warm in england?
perhaps i should move because it is too cold over here...


Instagram: @choacit
Instagram: @choasgarage

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Registriert am: 17.07.2008
Ich fahre: Civic AH GL 'Bettie Blue' (stillgelegt); Civic EK3 (killed); Civic FK2 2007 daily.
Da wohne ich: Kaiserslautern
Vorname: Björn

zuletzt bearbeitet 16.03.2009 | Top

RE: Es ist Fruhling!

#7 von Cassy , 16.03.2009 17:21

Deine 'Bonseis' sehen ja SUPER! aus. Mit denen hab ich noch nie viel Glueck gehabt. Die waren meistens nach einigen Wochen schon kaputt
Was hast du den da auf 'klein'? Eine Eiche und was sind die anderen zwei? Viel Geduld musst da schon haben?

Bin momentan im Buero (beim ausruhen! ) schicke aber gerne weitere Bilder von meinem Garten vom zu hause denn ich muss die erst ein bischen kleiner machen .

Bei uns regnet es uebrigens nicht immer und nur ein bischen mehr als in Oesterreich und Schnee haben wir nur ganz wenig - ca 2-3 Centimeter im GANZEN Winter. Nix mit dem schi fahren dazu muss ich nach Oesterreich
Meine Gartenpflanzen bluehen und gedeihen - auch die, die VIEL Sonne und trocken brauchen, man muss nur wissen wie und wo (und vieleicht wann)


RE: Es ist Fruhling!

#8 von Gast , 16.03.2009 17:49

Nice pictures you've sent us there. Seems that there IS light at the end of this tunnel, they want to call "Spring". They promised us 16 degrees and a sunny Saturday the last weekend, but that never happened.

It has been grey and miserable for the past weeks over here in Germany. All the weather I'd expect in the Welsh hills...

I'll post an optimistic picture which I shot in the botanical Gardens in Bielefeld. Maybe it'll change something....

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zuletzt bearbeitet 16.03.2009 17:52 | Top

RE: Es ist Fruhling!

#9 von Cassy , 16.03.2009 20:09

Ich hab noch einige Fotos gefunden, aber leider sind die vom vorigen Jahr (2008)
Noch ist es nicht so schoen aber es wird schon bald werden

I think we had your 'promised' nice weather here, 16 degrees and sunny It may be damp and miserable in Wales, but not here in sunny Yorkshire! York is on the 'sunny' side of the Penines and all the rain falls over 'd other side of d' mountaines

I post some more optimistic pictures from my own garden and hope to get some 'optimistic' pictures back when I need them in a few days, when it gets cold and damp again

BTW - I am impressed by all your excellent English!!

Viel Vergnuegen beim Fotos anschaun

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RE: Es ist Fruhling!

#10 von choacit , 16.03.2009 20:30

They are 2 Fukien Tee and 1 Ulme. I don't know their name in English, I'm sorry...

Yes, they need much more attention than other plants. And its always a kind of
figuring out what they need. I still have some more, but they are not that nice.
I have to work on them for a few hours tomorrow, i suppose...

But what you are doing at your garden is amazing!
Better than i can do... *gg*

My english is a bit rusty because i had a long pause for the last 2 years...

Spring will come in april... It is too cold at the moment... About 50km away
from here, we still have snow in masses. Enough for skiing, i think. =)



Instagram: @choacit
Instagram: @choasgarage

Beiträge: 1.081
Punkte: 93.659
Registriert am: 17.07.2008
Ich fahre: Civic AH GL 'Bettie Blue' (stillgelegt); Civic EK3 (killed); Civic FK2 2007 daily.
Da wohne ich: Kaiserslautern
Vorname: Björn

RE: Es ist Fruhling!

#11 von Gast , 17.03.2009 16:39

Zitat von choacit
They are 2 "FUKIEN" Tee and 1 Ulme.

So THAT'S why the mates at work always complain: "Where's the fookin' tea gone ?"

Well, talking about spring-time. Today is the first day in ages, in which the blue sky was visible for more than an hour. Nice and pleasant...

Yorkshire, eh ? Nice countryside, which always reminds me of the show "Last of the Summer Wine".... And I remember the outing to the railway-museum in York years ago with my grandad. He used to work for British-Rail and took us all to that museum once. It must have been around 1976...
My British roots are from Chester and I'm proud of those.


RE: Es ist Fruhling!

#12 von Cassy , 17.03.2009 17:43

The 'fookin' tea on the continent isn't all that good anyway. Why would you drink it if you don't have to?

Latest weather report: IT'S STILL WARM AND SPRING-LIKE HERE!!

Oh dear, 1976???? The railway museum still exists, but (I think!) has been up-dated since you were here last.
It's VERY interesting (even for me and I am not into trains and am no 'anorak'!)

You can be justly proud for being from Chester . . . it's VERY nice there, but it ain’t Yorkshire nor is it North Yorkshire in particular!!

You can’t beat the North Yorkshire Moors and the (freezing!) North Sea at Scarborough, Whitby or Robin Hoods Bay on a brezee summers day

York has a beautiful Minster and a town centre that goes back to the Vikings.
Chester is not bad, it's just not York


RE: Es ist Fruhling!

#13 von Gast , 17.03.2009 19:47

Chester reaches back to the Roman-times....

Nono, I AM talking about TEA-tea . You must know that I work for the Forces over here in Germany and I do like my odd "Tetley's" every now-and-then.


RE: Es ist Fruhling!

#14 von Cassy , 17.03.2009 20:15

York can go one better - - - Vikings were before the Romans and we had them both

Tetley's is Ok, but Yorkshire tea is better . Hier muss ich nun gestehen, das ich keinen Tee trink, sondern nur Kaffee - italienischen

Do you have access to all sorts of tea as well as other 'goodies' from home? Wie lande bist du schon in Deutschland and was geht dir am meisten ab von England? A pint of bitter?


RE: Es ist Fruhling!

#15 von Gast , 17.03.2009 21:33

Yes, everything is available here. If you can't get it at the NAAFI (the Forces' shop) we have a little shop down the road who sells the pies, black pudding cheeses and everything else one misses over here.

I've been living in Germany for all my life(since 1971) but up to 1978 my dad was in the Army and so my "important" years were spent in the Forces' kindergarden and pre-school.We visited my grandparents on a regular basis and England sort of became my home-from-home. Sadly my grandparents passed away and it was 1999 that on my grandads funeral, that it would be the last visit to England.
2007 I had the chance from work to go to do a full paid, one-week course at SEME Bordon and it all became clear to me on the flight there. It was a military-only flight with Air Berlin to Birmingham. A plane full of soldiers who were on their way home from the Continent, Iraq, Afghanistan... It was during the final descent to Birmingham, when one could see the roads, fields and finally the ever so familiar red-brick houses.
It all came as a flash: Me playing in grandads garden, the smell of tomatoes from the green-house, my grandma preparing supper. I felt a tear rolling down my cheek when I noticed the quietness within the plane. I just stared forward toward the seat not believing my ears. It wasn't only me ! I could hear a faint weeping from the person next to me and behind me. Those were Soldiers.....
I have travelled the world, been there, done that, and got the T-shirt. But I have never felt like this arriving back in Germany, as I did on that day flying into Birmingham.

I must be British, mustn't I ?

zuletzt bearbeitet 17.03.2009 21:36 | Top


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