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RE: 1gen love

#16 von abrahamovic , 22.08.2018 18:45

Zitat von legoloco im Beitrag #15
Zitat von abrahamovic im Beitrag #14
Zitat von legoloco im Beitrag #12
I think i have the switch but it is still in a car that is in storage so i cant get it for you.
Foglight unit is trash, cmpl rusted out inside and broken lens.

Hello Legoloco. I tired some facebook pages / prelude, but no luck so far. Would be there any chance to get the switch from your car? I would pay for it of course. Thanks for letting me know, tomas

If you are not in a hurry then that would be possible, its bin over a year since i was there.....

Thanks Rob, I can put some replacement switch for the time being. And I can change it for an original from you, when you manage to get to the car, that would be a real helper. As finding original switch looks like a tough job to get done. Thank you again, tomas

Beiträge: 13
Punkte: 5.436
Registriert am: 19.08.2018
Ich fahre: Honda Accord SJ, Honda Prelude SN
Da wohne ich: Slovakia
Vorname: tomas

RE: 1gen love

#17 von legoloco , 22.08.2018 19:11

Will do, just find time.

Beiträge: 3.934
Punkte: 1.533.770
Registriert am: 08.06.2013
Ich fahre: Honda Prelude MK1 SN, 1980
Da wohne ich: Velden/ Die Niederlande
Vorname: Rob

RE: 1gen love

#18 von ronny lucassen , 23.08.2018 21:25


nice cars you have, i see the dutch accord that's Henk Kok's old car. a very nice one


Der Wert des Lebens kann daran gemessen werden, wie oft Ihre Seele tief gerührt war. (Soichiro Honda)

ronny lucassen
Beiträge: 2.238
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Registriert am: 12.09.2006
Ich fahre: Honda S800, S600, honda accord aerodeck 2.0i 12v CA5 honda shuttle 1984, honda civic 3 turer 1986,Civic Wagon 1982 (verkauft), Accord limousine 1980 (verkauft), , acty kastenwagen 2x, 2x motocompo (verkauft), , 3x honda kick and go 2 rad, 7 mahl honda kick and go 3 rad (gross und klein), Honda stream 2.0 (verkauft), , Honda civic Aerodeck 1.8 VTI(verkauft), , Honda civic aerodeck 1.4 auf gas(verkauft), honda civic aerodeck 1.6i auf gas, Honda NSX-T imola orange ( wieder verkauft)honda accord 2.2 vtec
Da wohne ich: Heijen The Netherlands
Vorname: Ronny

RE: 1gen love

#19 von toniprelude , 29.08.2018 23:09

And the green one has been mine :-)
Toll dass du helfen kannst, Rob! Ich bin froh, dass der Prelude in gute Hände gekommen ist. Hello to you Tomas!

Beiträge: 41
Punkte: 17.763
Registriert am: 24.01.2016
Ich fahre: Prelude SN '79
Da wohne ich: Köln
Vorname: Tobias

RE: 1gen love

#20 von abrahamovic , 30.08.2018 09:43

Danke euch beiden, meine Herren. Ich verbrachte zwei Nächte damit, die Verkabelung für das Nebellicht zu reparieren. Ich kaufte ein billiges Licht und einen billigen Schalter. Alles funktioniert, ich bin bereit, durch die Registrierung (TÜV) zu gehen und sobald Rob mir den neuen Schalter schickt, werde ich es installieren. Danke.

Thank you both, gentlemen. I spent two nights fixing wiring for the fog light. I bought some cheap light and some cheap switch. All works, I am ready to go through the registration (TUV) and once rob sends me the new switch, I will install it. Thank you

Angefügte Bilder:
IMG_6897.JPG   IMG_6898.JPG  

Beiträge: 13
Punkte: 5.436
Registriert am: 19.08.2018
Ich fahre: Honda Accord SJ, Honda Prelude SN
Da wohne ich: Slovakia
Vorname: tomas

RE: 1gen love

#21 von legoloco , 30.08.2018 18:55

Top, i was at the storage today and thougt i just could pop out the switch....well no, now i have to dig into the manuel how to remove it.

Do you have the blind plate for the switch location? I would love to get that to cover the hole wenn the switch is removed.

I keep you informed

Beiträge: 3.934
Punkte: 1.533.770
Registriert am: 08.06.2013
Ich fahre: Honda Prelude MK1 SN, 1980
Da wohne ich: Velden/ Die Niederlande
Vorname: Rob

RE: 1gen love

#22 von abrahamovic , 30.08.2018 19:06

Yes, I do have a blinder, I can send it to you, no problem.
I put it out from the place where new switch goes.
I will take picture and send tomorrow, okay?

Sorry for troubles, you have to disasamble it.
Bad news is, that you really have to put front cover down.
Is the 3 screws only, but this job sucks.

when you un-mounting, right corner seems like holding tight or beeing stuck and seems like it will break when pulling out.
No fear, you can go one. No extra screws holding, you just need to use strength to put it out from big metal clicker.
The same aplies when getting it back. (I am not a car expert, so If I got it done, you will too, I am sure :)

Putting the dashboard back is real pain.
First time it took me 1 hour. Second time only 20 minutes. Next time I am done in 5 minutes, I hope.

Rob, thanks for patience, you are my hero, getting through it all.
Not seen often such a helpful people around, helping strangers.
Hope I might help you back somehow next time.


Beiträge: 13
Punkte: 5.436
Registriert am: 19.08.2018
Ich fahre: Honda Accord SJ, Honda Prelude SN
Da wohne ich: Slovakia
Vorname: tomas

RE: 1gen love

#23 von abrahamovic , 31.08.2018 11:05

Zitat von legoloco im Beitrag #21

Do you have the blind plate for the switch location?

Hello Rob,
sending the picture of the blinder,
I took it from the place where foglight goes.
It pops easily.

Angefügte Bilder:

Beiträge: 13
Punkte: 5.436
Registriert am: 19.08.2018
Ich fahre: Honda Accord SJ, Honda Prelude SN
Da wohne ich: Slovakia
Vorname: tomas

RE: 1gen love

#24 von legoloco , 31.08.2018 11:22

I will try to get the switch out next week.

Beiträge: 3.934
Punkte: 1.533.770
Registriert am: 08.06.2013
Ich fahre: Honda Prelude MK1 SN, 1980
Da wohne ich: Velden/ Die Niederlande
Vorname: Rob

RE: 1gen love

#25 von abrahamovic , 15.02.2019 10:54

hello Rob, how are you? Just wanted to ask, if you still can get the blinder for me. I cant find another on ebay or forums. thanks

Beiträge: 13
Punkte: 5.436
Registriert am: 19.08.2018
Ich fahre: Honda Accord SJ, Honda Prelude SN
Da wohne ich: Slovakia
Vorname: tomas

RE: 1gen love

#26 von legoloco , 15.02.2019 17:25

I sent you a PM

Beiträge: 3.934
Punkte: 1.533.770
Registriert am: 08.06.2013
Ich fahre: Honda Prelude MK1 SN, 1980
Da wohne ich: Velden/ Die Niederlande
Vorname: Rob

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